HALLO ! I'm Panpan the Pan de Doggo ! I'm a pure bread doggo based on the pandesal, a beloved Filipino bread 🍞
When I'm not busy being adoughrable, I like to roll around a flour field and take long naps under the toasty summer sun. I'm not for eating, but I AM an excellent baker if you need a pastry or two, or plenty ! So long as you feed me lots of snacks and give me your love.
I'm a pretty big boi and like to loaf around ! You'll find me resting on your bed or lazing on your desk while you work. I may be a loafer, but staying by your side is important for me to rise and grow !
Hey, will you be my comPANion? I promise I don't bite! 🐶

We’re launching STRETCH GOALS for Panpan pre-orders as a special treat! Work together with other lazy bums to get freebies with your Panpan!
How does it work? For each pre-order milestone achieved, every lazy bum that pre-ordered Panpan receives goodies according to that milestone with their order! For example, getting to 100 Panpan pre-orders gets us to the Pandelicious ! goal. Reaching that milestone means that all Panpan pre-orders will come with an adoption card, a mini print, and a sticker. This applies for each milestone—Pandelightful !! and Pantastic !!!—we hit until we reach 300 pre-ordered Panpans, which is the final stretch goal of the campaign!
But hurry! This campaign is only valid until November 28, 2024, or until we hit the Pantastic !!! milestone! So start huddling with your fellow lazy bums and friends to get limited-time freebies with your order!
For any questions about pre-orders, you can check the FAQ found here for questions on how pre-order campaigns work, and a FAQ specific to Panpan pre-orders found below!


Example product title
Panpan FAQ
How long will you be holding Panpan pre-orders?
You can pre-order Panpan from August 28, 2024 to November 28, 2024, or until the Pantastic !!! milestone has been attained! The milestones count for each Panpan pre-ordered, e.g. ordering 2 Panpans brings us 2 Panpans closer to reaching a milestone!
Are pre-orders limited?
Due to shipping limitations, we can only support 2 Panpans per pre-order. If you’d like to pre-order more than two Panpans, it will require you to fill in another pre-order for each two sets of Panpans you purchase. Please be aware that this will also mean paying shipping fees for each two sets of Panpans pre-ordered.
Can I still pre-order Panpans after the campaign hits the final milestone?
Yes, through my shop updates! Although I currently don’t have a schedule for my next shop drop. If you’d like to get your own Panpan sooner, I’d recommend participating in this pre-order campaign!
What happens if the pre-order period has ended and Panpan pre-orders haven’t reached certain milestones?
Everyone who pre-orders Panpan will definitely receive their bread boi, regardless of the milestones! Reaching milestones provide bonus freebies for lazy bums to receive limited-time merch that comes with your Panpan pre-order